All Styles. All Dancers. For Him.

Kamgoma, KE

Soweto, KE

Children in Kenya enjoying a meal outdoors as part of the EmpowerDance Collective initiative by RDM, fostering community and support through dance.

Thika, KE

Joyful Kenyan children from's EmpowerDance Collective raising their hands in the air, celebrating dance and life outdoors.

Murang’a, KE

Group of Kenyan children from's dance program gathered outdoors, showcasing the community's vibrant spirit and unity.

Uhai, KE

Local leader Joe with smiling children enjoying a meal under the bright Kenyan sun, part of's community nourishment program.

Kiandutu, KE

Energetic children and adults in red t-shirts celebrating dance in Kenya, uplifting their community with joy and unity.

Oloitokitok, KE

Children in prayer at's Kenyan chapter, reflecting on the spiritual aspect of dance and community engagement.

Mutare, ZW

Two young children from's Zimbabwe chapter share a cheerful moment, embodying the joy of community connection.

Adopt A Chapter

Are you and other parents wanting to start a dance chapter in your area?
If so, we would love to partner with you!